So, we must apologize. We have been slacking off on pretty much all social media and our blog. Why you may ask? Well several reasons. First when it is sunny outside in the NW Oregon we stay inside as little as possible. Unless the grass fields are pollinating. Then we are all inside, dying of pneumonia or sinus infections. As such, this leaves little time to sit in front of a screen hamfisting epic tirades involving vague pop-culture references and general toilet humor. We apologize for not being around to entertain, but not really. We only have 2-3 months out of the year to achieve maximum contrast on our farmer’s tans, so we need every burning minute of sunlight we can get before we are plunged back into the dark rainy abyss of the wet season. Vitamin D activation is not overrated.

Secondly, we have been busting our butts in our 110° shop to once again retool all of our fixtures. While this may sound super boring and nerdish, I have to say it was well worth the effort and the stupid amount of time involved. How well worth it was it? Well, we reduced the machine time on our rings by around 65% and our bases by roughly 50% through minimizing tool changes, upgrading cutting tools and expanding fixtures to hold more parts. What does this mean? Well for us, it means that we have more time to screw off, more time to rant about inane things on our blog and Facebook, more time for pics of our lunches on Instagram, and 150% more 2pm siestas. What does this mean for your, our ever loving customers? More awesome products! Freeing up a British Standard crap ton of machine time means that we can make all of those fun parts that we have been wanting to but never had the time to produce in quantity or that would have required postponing said 2pm siestas (which is totally not cool). Things like our muzzle devices, expanded mounting options, and other new and yet to be named parts (that will be cool and totally blow your minds). It will also let us get more useful videos made and some cool testing. So at the end of the day, by ignoring you, we actually did you a favor. Because we are awesome like that. You can thanks us for it later, when you are rockin’ one of our sweet new muzzle brakes or other accessories that will be coming down the pipe soon.
Until our next installment, keep the rubber side down and don’t run with scissors.
– Dr. Dave
Hurry up and get some more m-lok light mounts done…
We are waiting impatiently….
Dr Dave
Oi. Shut your facehole. We are working on it. If people would fricken stop buying these things then they would still be in stock.
Any sneak peek of the muzzle brakes? I am impressed with everything else so far, and am curious to see what you have in the works.
Dr Dave
If you dig through our IG page there are a couple partial pics there. Also a vid of one of the prototypes on a 10.5″ Full auto AR if you want to see how it performs. I know we are at the 1.5 yr mark on releasing them, but they are coming, very soon. They shouldn’t disappoint.