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Lo-Point M-LOK Grips


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To be honest, we have never found a hand stop that we like.  They are always too big/awkward/weird/clunky/uncomfortable/etc and they all have left use wanting.  So in keeping with how we tend to do things, we decided to make our own.  But not just a single hand stop, oh heavens no.  We have created a whole system of them.  Why?  Because 1.) we freedom so hard, and 2.) stop asking questions.  With our Lo-Point family of grips we wanted small, unobtrusive grips on the handguard to aid in grip and support hand indexing.  The goal was to make it easy to find where your hand needs to go when you are in the dark or not looking at the gun AND to help keep it there.  A sort of tactical braille that is easy to grip, but not massive in the hand.  Sometimes subtlety is good thing.

Currently we have 3 styles available:

The Lo-Stack was designed to act as a grip to go between 2 fingers or as thumb stop.  It is a symmetrical design that tapers to a sort of elongated, 4 sided pyramid.

The Lo-ramp was designed to contact the rear of the palm of the hand to allow the and to subtly wedge in.  Increasing grip, but not to the extreme or to the discomfort of the user as some angled hand stop can. It can also work as a finger divider for the user

The Lo-Stop was designed to work as a thumb or finger stop.  It has a hard 90 degree side and a steep ramped side.  It can be run either way to meet the users needs.  It can also be used as a modest, unobtrusive hand stop on the end of a short handguard to keep your support hand from getting into harms way on your stubby.  We do not recommend it be used as a barricade stop as it only has a singular screw and M-LOK nut.  Slamming it into a barricade could result in severe damage to the handguard and the Lo-Point grip itself.

The Combo Pack has one of each of the above styles, sold at a slight discount.

Keeping the footprint of each grip similar to our M-LOK WireGuides, our Lo-Point M-LOK Grips are adaptable to meet your personal needs.They all have a similar scalloped grip texture that is minimally aggressive for barehanded use but also allows for just the right amount of grip.  Like most of the stuff we make, these are made out of domestically sourced, free range 6061 aluminum bars.  They are machined in our shop, on our machines and anodized just how we like them.  We will add more styles and colors as fast as we can, which really isn’t that fast sometimes but perfection can never be rushed.


All orders that are cancelled or returned are subject to a 20% restocking fee

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Lo-Stack, Lo-Ramp, Lo-Stop, Combo Pack


Black, Tano


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