Canik TP9SA Decock Block™


When you want to make sure your Canik TP9SA stays nice and cocked for whenever you might need it.

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So you want a Canik TP9SA but are put off by the huge decocking button on the top of the slide.  You worry about having it work it’s ill-conceived magic at the most inopportune moment.  In a world of Murphy’s Laws you don’t want to risk it.  Well, now you can or maybe can’t.  Were not really sure.  Grammer and comprehension were never our strong suite.  But for a few ducats and about 15min of you’re time you can make the leap on this brilliantly inexpensive pistol and never again have to worry about if it will stay cocked when you need it most.  Our TP9SA Decock Block™ is piece of mind in black oxide treated 304 stainless steel.  Installation is a breeze, is non-permanent and is easily reversible. It completely deactivates the decocking button on the top of the slide, eliminating the possibility of accidentally decocking you’re pistol while at the same time not inhibiting the regular functions of the pistol.  Cheap insurance for the competitive shooter too the weekend warrior or concealed carrier.

Check out our blog post Here for installation instructions.


Warning:  ALWAYS make sure your gun is completely unloaded prior to working on it.  If in doubt, take it to a qualified gunsmith.  This product may void your pistol’s warranty.  Use at your own risk.  Arson Machine Co. claims no responsibility for improper use or installation or any damage that may result there of.


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